Monday, February 16, 2009

i saw the movie

...He's Just Not That Into You.

The moral of the story: There are "rules" for dating that clearly indicate whether a guy is into a girl. (ie. He will call you, he will find you, he will make sure to see you, etc etc etc.) The rules must be adhered to at all times, and at no point in time should a girl consider her situation, or relationship, the exception to the rule. There are absolutely no exceptions to the rules - EVER.

...except in the case that the guy decides you are his exception. In this said case, an exception is granted, and then a girl can consider herself an exception to the rule. Of which means there are exceptions to the rules, and these exceptions will take place in every relationship that is right.

This process should make sense. Clearly, the girl will know when she is the exception. Riiiiiiight.

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