Saturday, January 23, 2010

i've been wrong before

Some would say that if a guy calls you on the phone every evening or so, just to chat, definitely means that he likes you. I also would guess this to be true. (Un)fortunately, I have been wrong in this respect in the past, so I prefer to assume nothing.

There is a cute guy that does call me every day or two... and we just chat. Others have observed cute guy and I in public and have commented that his signals indicate he is interested in me. Truthfully, I feel I'm getting the "I wanna be buddies" vibe from him.

Do I like him? I don't know. I don't know. I. Do. Not. Know....Yet.

I just met him, so we'll see.... time will tell.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

x-games here i come.

I'm no Hannah Teter ... but I am most-improved. Besides my lack of grace exiting the chair lift, after a weekend snowboarding in NY, I actually look like I know what I'm doing. Thanks to a flashy new board, I look cool too.

I'm wasting no time with these resolutions.
Next boarding trip: 6 days.

number two

Oh but wait...

There was this kid, yes I do mean kid. He fights fires. I will call him firefighter #2 ... or maybe just #2 (for short). It started just about six months ago. I can summarize the relationship with a series of one-liners said by #2 to me. In order, each one-liner represents the actual progression of the relationship. Warning: Confusion is likely.

1. "I'm so glad that you've come into my life... you're such a positive, fun person to be around"
2. "Everyone asks me if we're dating. Are we?"
3. "I don't know what I want."
4. "You're the most kind-hearted person I know."
5. "I don't know what I want."
6. "I can see after we've been married for twenty years..."
7. "I can't make any plans. I am busy until December." (said October-ish)
8. "I don't want to mess things up between us."
9. "So you're saying I could come over and make out with you and we can still assume we're on the friendship level?!"
...and finally the last one-liner of the relationship...
10. "You said we needed to back off, so that's what I was doing."

And the winner goes to... One-Liner #7!
Current Status: Communication lines have been cut.

So #2 and I? ... well it was fun sometimes and confusing more times. 2010 will bring better options.

...and no more firefighters.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

it is 2010.

New Year = New Goals.

This year I will:
1. become a snowboarder.
2. buy a kitchen table.
3. wax my car with the change of the seasons.
4. try new things.
5. date.

Specific, vague ... it's all good.
Little by little, one walks far.
Yay for 2010.

ever been lost?

What happened? Where am I? Where have I been in the last 6 months? ugh, geeez....

Well I think I'm back now. You can stop holding your breath.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

a new hobby? hmm...

"Does the flower get thirsty too, or is it just the root that needs water?"
Honest question from me, a gardening simpleton.

With my new place came flower beds and flower boxes. The seller informed me that "those flowers in the walkway are yours to care for." Great, I thought. It's not that I don't think the flowers are pretty, I just don't want to be responsible for keeping them alive, let alone responsible for the aesthetics of the walkway that I share with five neighbors. My gardening resume is shallow - ranging from carrying plants to pulling weeds to killing a bamboo plant. I have never even bought a plant. I'm just being honest.

With some serious consideration, it seemed fake flowers would be the best option for the flower boxes - no financial or time commitment needed on my part. They'll last, they'll look real from far away, and they will not die... so my mom went shopping for some and comes home with some gerber daisies, some green leafy plants, a sprawling flowering plant, and something else called "silver fog." Fake? Nope, they're real.

So here I am, three weeks into my new place and watering my flowers every morning (almost). They are alive. They have blooms. The soil is moist. And today I received my first compliment on my flowers. I was kind of proud.

I hate to generalize, but I'm pretty sure gardening is for women older than forty ... so I'm wondering, just what have I gotten myself into?

Thursday, July 2, 2009

the ring.

I never use to look for it. I could hardly remember what hand it goes on. I was quite oblivious. But things are changing. I am quickly realizing that looking for the ring is crucial - and spotting it can be a real bummer.

Case in point...
A really cute guy had caught my eye in the computer lab at my school. Everyday that I had class, I would see him, and we often would catch eachother in eye contact. I thought to myself, I need to strike up a conversation with this guy. So, I finally work up the nerve to say something ... I see him in the computer lab ... I sat within chatting distance ... I glance over and remember to check the left hand ... and sure enough a wedding band. Case closed. This guy is off the market. Bummer.

So I'm learning. Check the left hand. Not only is it an availability indicator, but awkward conversation preventer for sure. It's a must.