Sunday, December 28, 2008

I thought you should know this.

Sidenote: This posting has nothing to do with "blind-date guy".

There is this "little guy" that I met at a bachelorette weekend in Cleveland. His cousin is marrying my friend. He has a great personality, is quick and witty, and seems like a good guy. He also is shorter than me, has less muscle than me, and weighs less than me ... hence the "little guy" title (a.k.a Lil G). Great guy - just little.

Lil G's family wants us to "get together". He said my name came up at Christmas in terms of whether or not he and I have been in touch since the Cleveland weekend. Well, to be honest, we have. That's why they decided we'd be great together and that we need to be seated next to each other at the wedding reception. He said, "I thought you should know this."

He was going for a reaction ... but I didn't bite. I pulled a card from my middle school tactics deck and replied, "Oh geez, I hope you don't smell bad, because then I'll have to change seats. But thank you for the warning." Was that what Lil G was looking for me to say? Suuuuuure he was.

This is the week of the wedding and the grand reunion of Lil G and I. I'm already prepared to be super-evasive and ungettable, yet the same cool girl that captured his eye in Cleveland. I intend for Lil G to leave the wedding thinking... "she's just not that into me."

I just think he should know this.
I'm just keepin it real...

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