Saturday, January 3, 2009


Uh-oh is right. I don't think I pulled off my plans. In matter of fact, I think everything that I thought before was either wrong or has changed... and I'm pretty sure I don't know what I think anymore. Does that make sense? Too much thinking.

First things first: Blind-date guy is officially out of the picture. We passed the allotted time frame for contacting each other, and now we shall never speak again!! Haha. Truth be told, there really wasn't anything that went wrong, but apparently it wasn't right. I wish I had more for you on this one .... but that's all folks!

Going into the wedding week, Lil G (of which he is not quite as little as I originally claimed, so I will drop the "lil" part and call him G, or Guy, so as to continue keepin' it real...) was causing me some worry. I planned to clearly transmit the message that I'm just not that interested, I'm difficult, I'm very busy, I don't date, I'm not good at dating, it won't work out, and all other messages along this spectrum. Well, I did that. I was clear, blunt, straight-up, and honest. I'm a girl of my word. And this always works for me...

Guy took everything I said and did over the past five days ... and likes me more. While I'm telling him all of these things that are intended to discourage interest and scare him off, he is asking if he can still try.

Still try? uh-oh.
"Sure, you can still try. You can't say I didn't warn you about me, and you can't think I'm a jerk when you realize that everything I told you has come true."

"I think that's why I like you."

Uh-oh. What have I done? Clearly, not what I set out to do.

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